7 Compound Interest Investments to Massively Improve Your Life

power of compound interest, effect on your health, wealth

When it comes to your money, the power of compound interest is one of the most important tools you’ll ever use.

And it’s a pretty simple formula. Invest early, consistently, and sensibly. Then, wait.

But today’s article is about more than just waiting. A long time ago, I read the book The Compound Effect. The idea is straightforward. But profound.

What is the compound effect?

The compound effect is the principle that small, consistent actions can lead to significant results over time. Your efforts snowball over time – just like with compound interest.

In the book, Darren Hardy talks about the fable of the frog who falls into a pail of milk and struggles to get out.

First, the frog tries to climb out, but the sides of the pail are too steep and high. He kicks and swims, seeing no progress.

And yet, over time, the movement ever so slowly turns the milk into butter. Finally, the frog’s persistence is rewarded and he can jump out.

Now, are you ready to use the power of compounding in your life too? Learn how below!

how to use the power of compounding, effect, interest

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Key Takeaway: The compound effect is working for or against you in every aspect of your life (i.e., A donut you eat daily will move the compound effect in the wrong direction.)

7 Ways to Use Compounding to Your Advantage

1. Personal savings

This is your most basic example. Contribute to savings and CDs regularly and your money will grow faster than keeping it at home, thanks to the power of compound interest.

2. Financial investments

Consistently investing in stocks, bonds, or retirement accounts allows your earnings to grow exponentially. They generate returns on both the original investment AND previous gains.

Consider how much LESS you need to invest in the chart below at age 20 than age 40. It’s astonishing.

saving and investing facts for retirement

The best way to take advantage? Set up an automatic transfer so that a portion of your income goes straight into an investing account every month.

3. Education and learning

Investing in learning new skills or gaining knowledge accumulates over time. Through the compound effect, you’ll grow your expertise to amazing heights just by committing to learning every day.

Set aside 30 minutes every day to learn something that helps you.

4. Healthy habits

healthy breakfast

Practicing small, positive habits like

  • regular exercise
  • eating well
  • mindfulness, gratitude, and other mental health practices

compounds into far better physical and mental health over time.

To see the power of compounding with your health, imagine yourself in 20 years if you keep the same daily habits from now until then. Through your current habits, what will you look and feel like?

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5. Relationships

Divorce, lost friendships, and estranged kids aren’t usually because of one action. Relationships drift apart without nurturing them along the way. The break-down is simply the result.

Consistently investing time and effort into relationships now, builds deeper, stronger bonds over time. Leading to a much more fulfilling life.

How can you do this? Try implementing a weekly date night, family night, or consistent family dinners and friend get-togethers.

6. Professional growth

Small, consistent improvements in your career compound into greater success down the road.

Things like:

  • learning new tools
  • networking
  • or enhancing productivity

Your bottom line isn’t generally impacted as much by one thing, but by many little improvements you’ve made over time.

Schedule in time to make these happen!

7. Building a business

Reinvesting profits and efforts back into your business allows for sustained growth. You may not see it right away, but those returns multiply and expand opportunities for success.

What’s Next?

Bottom line: Always be looking for small improvements. The small wins stack onto each other over time.

Next, learn more! Become a part of the Wealthy Woman community, receive my best tips for wealth-building, and have instant access to the free resource library. Start now!

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