There are only two ways to live

Good morning,

And happy Thankful Thursday!

This week, I’m thankful for…

  • visiting the local farmstead with my youngest. The baby goats ate our shirts.
  • tiny improvements in work and health. Slow progress is still progress.
  • connecting with friends over wine – talking about the ups and downs of life.

What are you grateful for on this Thankful Thursday? Hit reply and share. You’ll love how it makes you feel!

25 Journal Prompts That Heal Your Relationship With Money

Work through your money blocks and get clear on your goals. These are just a few of the benefits!

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Quote of the Day

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

Albert Einstein

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Specific, doable actions that save every day.

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💥 Weekly Challenge Check-In

Have you set a goal for yourself yet?

  • Is it big and beautiful? Does it make you feel inspired?
  • Can you measure it?
  • Do you have a deadline?

✨ Affirmation of the Week

I am focused on the goals before me.

5 Wealthy Woman Hacks To Achieve Your Money Goals Now

Wealthy woman hacks are all about working smarter, not harder. Today’s action steps help you achieve your goals in record time.

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Question of the Day

What challenge did you overcome that you now see the benefit in?

LOL of the Day

Why did the woman put her money in the blender?

Answer: Because she wanted to make liquid assets!

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed today’s newsletter. If you have anything at all you’d like to share, ask, or say, just hit reply. I’d love to hear from you.

Have a great rest of your week!

Love always,

Jenn Kropf

Certified Financial Educator

Founder of ​Wealthy Woman Finance

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