Thankful Thursday – Signs of spring & Community

Thankful Thursday

Hi there! This series shares 5 things I’m grateful for from the week. It’s a real-life mindset exercise for feeling abundant.

1. The first signs of spring in my neighborhood

The birds are chirping and buds are already on the trees. Soon the wooded area behind my house will be filled with green and I can’t wait. It’s my favorite time of year!

Thankful Thursday
I saw a turtle bathing in the sun. That has to be a good sign!

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2. Hot showers

I’ve worked out harder this week, had stiff shoulders from computer sitting, and didn’t feel well for a few days. The warm water has helped with soreness and stress relief. I’ve stayed in there way too long and I’m so grateful that I can.

3. The sweet notes from readers

What an amazing community this is! One reader told me this week that she’s working on both the emergency fund challenge and the vacation challenge. How incredible!

$5,000 emergency fund tracker challenge printable

4. That I’m Healthy

It is said that…health is the crown that sits on the well man’s head. That only the sick man can see.

It’s easy to take health for granted until you lose it and spend all your time trying to get it back.

5. Writing From the Heart

I’ve been writing more email newsletters for both sites this week.

It has been harder than I expected because I’m out of my comfort zone. But I’m so grateful for the opportunity to write from the heart and connect on a more personal level with you. That has been an unexpected gift, and I love it.

Newsletter is going out today too. Sign up to get it sent straight to your inbox.

What are you thankful for this week?

Leave a comment below and share so you feel abundant too.

Love always,

Jenn Kropf

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