15 Unusual Ways to Save That Most People Don’t Talk About

unusual ways to save

In life and finances, what everyone else is doing is often not your best path.

It makes me think of the words of Carlos Pagán Sr.:

“If you do what everyone else does, you will get what everyone else gets.”

Considering that the majority of Americans are broke, it’s a great idea to think outside the box.

These 15 unusual ways to save may surprise you. Keep an open mind and enjoy a few uncommon tips for building wealth.

unusual uncommon ways to save no one talks about

1. Adopt a “Broke College Student” Mindset for 30 Days

Remember when you were young and happy, even though you were broke?

Cut out your non-essential expenses for one month.

Then, slowly reintroduce only the things you truly value. This reset can help you appreciate what you have, savor the small luxuries, and notice where lifestyle creep has seeped in.

2. Rent Your Items for Free

best items to resell for profit featured image

Don’t buy anything you can’t turn around and resell. You might make money on the item, but likely you’ll just get your money back. This means you got to “rent” your item free for the time you used it.

Garage sales are great for reselling!

3. Counter Your Job Offers

When you receive a job offer, negotiate for a higher salary or better benefits. There’s very little risk in doing this, as long as you are polite.

You’re probably throwing more money away by NOT doing this than you can save by pinching pennies and not buying lattes.

4. Don’t Buy the Cheapest Option

The cheapest dishwasher will last you 3 years and then you’ll have to buy a new one. Cheap furniture collapses eventually. And cheap cars need lots of repairs.

Instead, buy a few steps up in quality during sales or clearance events. This approach often saves money in the long run since higher-quality items last longer.

5. Delay Impulse Purchases Even Longer

Postpone buying anything non-essential for at least a week. If you forget about it, you didn’t need it.

This can curb impulse spending by hundreds!

What about when your kids want something?

Say, “Let’s add that to your wish list.” They’ll know that they can use that list for birthdays and holidays. And it teaches them to be thoughtful long-term too.

6. Cancel Amazon Prime

You can still get free shipping if the order is over $35.

This hack also keeps impulse buying down because you’ll keep items in your cart until you have enough for free shipping.

7. Keep Your Tastes Simple

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By keeping your tastes simple, you’re doing yourself a HUGE favor in money and health.

  • Few people drink good old water anymore. Instead, they spend hundreds every month on energy drinks, sparkling water, Starbucks, alcohol, soda, and anything with flavor.

Beans and lentils are crazy cheap, healthy, filling, and can be prepared in a million different ways.

8. Tweak Your Utility Habits

This tip works especially well in areas that charge different rates at different times of the day.

Use appliances like dishwashers and washing machines during off-peak electricity hours when rates are lower. This small, painless habit can lead to noticeable savings on your utility bills.

9. Use Separate Accounts

Transfer money into a savings account and only spend what’s left in your checking account.

If you need more money in your checking, you’ll have to physically transfer money from savings. This will help you gauge whether what you’re buying is truly worth it.

10. Put Long-term Savings in an Investment Account

Automatically transfer some of your savings directly into an investment account.

This will encourage you to get investing! And you won’t be losing money sitting in a bank because of inflation.

11. Stay a Generation Behind on Technology

Buy used or older models of electronics, cars, and other items. For example, don’t buy the new Smartphone. Instead, buy last year’s when the new model comes out. It’s going to be very similar for a great marked-down price.

12. Do the Math: It Will Shock You

One trick I especially like is to calculate how many hours you have to work to spend on a big purchase.

If you know you’ll have to work an entire year to buy your fancy new car, you’ll probably think twice about it.

The chart below shows how saving ahead for a car can save you more than $15,000! How? Instead of paying $5,819 in interest, you saved and invested it.

the difference adds up: saving money benefits and advantages

You work hard for your money, so it’s important that what you use it on gives you the most meaning and freedom.

13. Try No-Spend Days

Designate certain days of the week where you don’t spend any money.

This strategy:

  • helps reduce overall spending
  • encourages meal planning and prepping
  • promotes mindful habits

Public parks, game nights, and movie nights are great activities for hanging out with friends and family.

unique and refreshing no spend weekend ideas, activities

14. Stay Better Organized

I cleaned the other day and realized that I’d bought 5 pairs of scissors. Oops.

If the house is a mess, it’s hard to see what you already have. So, regularly declutter and organize your home to avoid buying duplicates of items you already own.

This habit can save money, reduce waste, and be a lifesaver for your sanity.

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Grab the 30 Day Decluttering Challenge >>

15. Go to Mom’s

It certainly isn’t talked about often, but heading to your parents for dinner does save you money! Your parents love seeing you, and you’ll get a free meal. 😂

It also highlights the power of family. Team up with your family when you can to save on things like streaming services, rent, equipment, and more.


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