5 Simple Hacks to Become a Confident Investor in Months

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The biggest challenge I see with women and investing isn’t ability. (Studies show that women make excellent investors. You are highly capable friend!)

It’s confidence. Women (not all, but many) think they need to know everything before diving in. That’s hard to do with investing (there’s a lot of noise and jargon). And so, they stay out of the game.

Sure, by staying on the sidelines you’ll be safe. Investing comes with risks. But there’s no growth either. The life you imagine for yourself will be out of reach if you don’t take advantage of your money working for you.

confidence in investing, tips and hacks

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The good news? Anyone can build confidence and courage! How?

You build it by dipping your toes in the water. And then, after a bit, wading in past your knees. And then, you keep moving forward. Slowly. Until, one day, you realize that you’re swimming like a fish.

All the while, you’ll be learning, adapting, and realizing that YOU (yes you!) can be a great investor.

Use the 5 wealthy woman hacks below to help you!

5 hacks for investing more now

1. Start Small (Tiny Even)

This is the “dip your toes in” part. Getting started is half the battle. Once you’ve done it once, you’ll have momentum to keep you going.

  1. Start with a small sum. Maybe it’s $25. Maybe it’s $100. Make sure it’s an amount you can afford to lose without being upset over it.
  2. Then, research a company you love (try this investing checklist to help). Or anything else you’re interested in – precious metals, real estate, etc.
  3. Next, DO IT. Make a buy. You can also keep it simple by starting with an index fund, treasury, or a bond. (Something that’s not a growth stock with tons of volatility.)
  4. Now, monitor your investment over time. And after a set period (1-3 months) make another investment. Learn as you go and you’ll be gaining experience, expertise, and CONFIDENCE to take bigger steps.

Pro Tip: Many online brokerages offer auto-investing, consultations, and diversified index funds with affordable fees to help you too.

“The secret to getting ahead is getting started.”

― Mark Twain

2. Soak Up the Learning

While experience is your best teacher, a lot can be said for the experience of others as well.

The more you learn, the more self-assured you’ll feel. You’ll get an idea of what normal risk and volatility are for various types of investments.

Instead of freaking out over something, your learning might help you realize that it’s a relatively common bump in the road. And it will pass. Or it can help guide you to make another decision too.

hacks and tips for building more confidence as an investor

3. Open Up Conversations

Take advantage of the people around you who are good with their finances. They are a huge opportunity for learning!

At first glance, these people might be hard to spot. EVERYTHING can be bought on credit these days. And looks can be deceiving. But once you find them, take them out for coffee and ask:

  • What do you invest in? What has your experience been like?
  • How do you approach the balance between enjoying life now and saving for the future?
  • How do you stay motivated to stick to your budget and financial plan, especially during times of temptation?
  • Do you have any favorite financial habits or strategies that you believe have significantly improved your financial well-being?
  • What advice would you give to someone just starting their journey to financial independence?

Take a moment to jot down one or two people who you could talk about finances with openly.

4. Set Clear Goals So You Keep Moving Forward

Next, align your investing goals with your life dreams and you’ll be ready to learn and invest for the long-term.

To do this, make a money vision board and write specific SMART goals that have deadlines. The clearer you can be on what you want out of life, the more motivated you will be to make investing a priority.

5. Know That Time Is Your Best Friend

good things to save up for in the future: investing with compound interest

Remember the hare and turtle? It’s the slow and steady that wins the race. Continue investing as early and often as you can, so that compound interest has a chance to snowball in your favor.

Make sure that you are putting money aside regularly to invest your fortune. This starts with a consistent budget plan!

Expand Your Life View

Finally, I challenge you to expand your view on investing.

One day, when I die (hopefully a long time from now), I hope that someone calls me a good investor. Sounds kind of silly right?

But I mean in a much broader sense. I hope that while living, I did an excellent job of investing in every area of life that’s important to me.

Maybe I invested in…

  • my relationships by taking one on one walks with my kids
  • stocks and bonds to give my family a secure future
  • my health by buying a gym membership (and using it!)
  • my business by paying for ads that allow me to reach more readers

My hope is that I’ve used my time, money, and energy to make the future better. Mine, my family, and the world in general.

There are a thousand different ways to invest. So expand your mindset. Consider that investing in yourself is also part of the ecosystem you want to create.

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