Thankful Thursday

This week, I’m thankful for…
1. the change in weather
January was cold and gloomy in the Midwest, with what felt like 1,000 school snow days. This week has been a ray of sunshine (literally). It always amazes me how much the weather (and getting out on our nearby trail) affects my mood.
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2. working with amazing ladies
The end of the month brings monthly meetings and I always walk away feeling so grateful for their time, energy, and ideas.
3. My parents who live close and are so willing to lend support
My husband was out of town for work this week. Their help with kids activities has been an honest-to-goodness lifesaver on several evenings when we had multiple activities simultaneously.
4. That January is Over
Is it bad to be thankful for this? It was a hard month. I’m ready to come out on the other side feeling stronger.
5. Daily Exercise
It was an imperfect week in a lot of ways. But I did move my body often. I even tried a yoga class this morning. And it felt good!
Interestingly, this Thankful Thursday supports the idea that the best things in life are free. 😊
What are you thankful for this week? Feeling grateful helps build an abundance mindset, and it’s proven to make you feel good. Leave a comment below and share!
Love your Thankful list . They inspired me to share my own.
1. The month of February. Closer to spring and flowers and garden planning.
2. We were able to be in Arizona for a few days to spend fun time with family. Even though
it rained (which they were thankful for!) it was warmer there.
3. Being able to spend time with our kids and grandkids!
4. Families that are there to support each other when we need them.
5. The entertainment the squirrels provide. Izzy OKed this one ; )
Love this thankful list! I am in total agreement about the closer to spring! And the entertainment of squirrels – hahaha. She is turning into her grandpa for sure!
Love your blogs!
Thank you!