April Money Moves – Little of This, Little of That

monthly money moves

Hi friend! Once a month I highlight 5 real-life ways I saved, earned, and invested.

Here are the money moves this month:

1. I Increased the Price of a Digital Product

On my other site, I offer digital products to my audience. And I haven’t increased my prices since I started the shop (four years ago).

One printable pack, in particular, should have been raised long ago. It provides a ton of value. So, I increased it by two dollars. It’s not much, but over time that adds up!

2. I Learned A TON in April

books for learning in april money moves

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I really dug into learning this month, in a variety of ways.

  • I watched a video on how to use a new software
  • I read two books on healthy living (Outlive and The Wealth Money Can’t Buy)
  • I started another book: Ask for It: How Women Can Use the Power of Negotiation
  • I read lots of emails to learn from leaders in my industry
  • I watched a Webinar video about improving my outreach

In all, I feel a little burnt out. But I’m also now armed with strategies to improve my life and business in ways I hadn’t even known existed a month ago. How cool is that?!

3. I Stuck With My New Newsletter Model

Since February, I’ve been emailing a newsletter 7 days a week for two different sites. I’ve enjoyed it, and have LOVED hearing from readers. But it has also been a lot more work than I was doing. And sometimes it can be frustrating or slow growth.

Mostly I’m proud of myself for sticking it out when I wanted to quit (repeatedly). At least I’m giving it a chance. And that’s all I really need to do. One step (or word) in front of the other.

4. I Decluttered for the Garage Sale

clothes on a chair

And came out with TUBS and TUBS of kids clothes. It feels really good to clean out. And hopefully, we put cash in our pockets next weekend when we have a garage sale.

5. I Meal Prepped on sundays This Month

april money moves

Some weeks were awesome. Others, not so much. One week, my kids ate most of what I prepped before the weekend was even over. Yikes.

But I did something every week. This not only helped us eat healthier (an investment!), but also saved money on pre-packaged snacks and eating out.

What Money Moves Did You Make This Month?

Did you…

There are many ways to make a great money move! Share in the comments and let me know!

Use this fun May savings tracker and ideas to build wealth this month!

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