8 Easy Chores for Money Chart Ideas (+ Free Printables)
Chores for money charts are visual aids that motivate kids. They also teach the value of earning, and make it easy to track.
Instill great values in your kids today, by allowing them to earn and learn!
Key Takeaway: When creating your chores for money chart, consider:
- the age of your child
- how difficult and time-consuming the tasks are
- the amount you’re willing to pay for each chore completed
Every household is different. What matters is that your system consistently works for you!
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Key Benefits of Chores for Money
A chores for money system is an easy way to blend daily responsibilities with financial literacy.
Kids learn…
- Money is Tied to Work: There’s no way around it. Kids learn early that work is how they earn.
- Money Management: Through this hands-on approach, your children can learn to budget, save, and more.
- Responsibility and Work Ethic: Assigning a monetary value to household chores instills responsibility. Plus, kids feel their contribution is valued.
How to Fill in Your Blank Chores for Money Chart
A chores for money chart is a simple system to incentivize your children. You’ll find great examples below, but you can use the list of chores in this section to help customize the blank one.
1. Choose Age-Appropriate Chores
Remember: these are a guideline! You know your kids and what chores are right for your family.
2. Determine the Chore Pay Scale
Simple chores will pay less (probably $.50-$3), while complex chores, like cleaning out the garage, would pay more ($5+).
3. Make the Terms Clear
Make sure everyone understands the expectations around the chores.
- What does a job well done look like?
- How frequently will the child need to do the chore? (Some chores are daily, while others are weekly)
- How long will the chore take each time? (15 minutes? 2 hours?)
Free Printable Money Chart for Money
I like to keep things simple around here. At the end of the day, what I NEED is something I’ll actually follow through on. This free printable money for chores chart sticks to the basics. If you’re looking for something more exciting, keep reading!
7 Other Favorite Money Charts Ideas
These are more elaborate. But they’re fun if you’re up for a small project!
1. Mom’s Job Chart
This one is bright and colorful. It’s simple to use with a frame and small envelopes.
2. Colorful Magnetic Chores Board
If you’re crafty, a magnetic board could be fun!
3. The Work for Hire Board With Money
Kids can SEE the money behind each task. How motivating is that!?
4. Baggie Chores for Money Chart
Another great way to show the money if you don’t have a corkboard. This lady just uses baggies to clip them up, so you could do this without having to run to the store.
5. Chores for Pocket Money Sticks
Chore sticks are a creative way to tie all sorts of rewards to chores.
6. Creative Punch Card
This one is different! It’s a chores for money chart in the form of a punch card.
7. Reward Points Chart
This chart is great if you don’t want to use money necessarily. You can keep track of “points” instead and then pay at the end.
How to Make the Money Chores Chart Work
Create a Completion System
Answer these 2 questions to create your system:
1. How will you mark off when a chore is done? Will you write it on a piece of paper with a checkmark? Or do stickers?
Marking the tasks completed allows you to see what’s been accomplished easily. This reinforces accountability, and provides a sense of satisfaction.
2. How will your kids be paid?
Choose a day of the week or month to pay your kids. Then, put an alarm on your phone to remember.
Use it to Teach the Good Stuff
Chores for money charts provide beautiful hands-on moments to teach kids about finance. Help them save, spend, and give their extra earnings. And use the opportunity to discuss how money ties to work.
Check out the budgeting for kids free printable to help.
Stay Flexible
Kids grow and chores change. Expectations and payments will too. Plus, the more you use a chore chart for money, the easier it will be as your kids get used to it.
Don’t Be Afraid to Get Creative
Not everything has to fit into household chores. Or be paid by the task. I sometimes have my kids help with administrative work stuff. For this, I pay them by the hour instead of by the task. (They move at different paces).
Think of something you could use help with, and pay your kids to help you!
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Common Money Chart Q&As
What if I don’t want to pay for all chores?
Then don’t! In my home, some chores are an expectation for living here, like the dishwasher. Others are for money. Just make sure your family understands the expectations.
My kids use this routine chart for non-money habits >>
How do I get my kids to do chores for free when they get paid for others?
Make it so that they can’t do the extra money chores until their normal weekly chores are complete.
What if my kids are too young to care about money?
For younger children, stickers or a point system for special privileges might be more effective. For many years, extra electronics time was the most motivating incentive for my son.
How can I make it easier to keep track of?
Here are the best ways:
- Keep your chart and system simple! My blank template is nice and easy.
- Stick it on your fridge where everyone can see it.
- Pay weekly or biweekly. And have your kids keep track of their own numbers.
- Try a larger chore project below. Instead of keeping track of small tasks, pay for bigger things less frequently.
Larger Chore Projects Ideas
- Cleaning out the car
- Reorganizing a cluttered desk or office
- Organizing a hall closet
- Doing landscape work
- Cleaning out a wood pile
- Cleaning out a garage or basement
- Scrubbing baseboards
- Matching mismatched socks
- Marking items for a garage sale
What’s Next?
A chore for money chart is a beautiful tool that helps cultivate work ethic and money know how at a young age. This benefits them for life! Kids are capable, so it’s time to help them see that
Check out money saving games to help your entire family have fun while saving!