50+ Fun Financial Literacy Month Ideas, Challenges, & Games to Boost Your Bottom Line in 2025

financial literacy month wellness games, challenges, ideas, and activities

April is financial literacy month! Teaching through ideas, challenges, and games can be a lot of fun. And it’s one of the most important things to learn.

  • According to the Milken Institute, only 57% of adults in the US are financially literate.
  • Women are 40% more likely to have low levels of financial literacy (source).
  • And while most people know they should talk to their kids about money, only 30% do it.

Studies show that financial education MATTERS. Those with financial knowledge have better savings, lower debt, and greater wealth.

On the other hand, lack of financial literacy costs many Americans thousands yearly. Almost 60% of Americans can’t even cover a $1000 emergency.

ideas for financial literacy month, best games and challenges to learn money

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All in all, education helps you make better decisions with your hard-earned money. And it’s why we need more financial education in our country, pronto.

“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”

― Maya Angelou

Let’s start here! Use the fun financial literacy activities to learn and teach the biggest financial lessons – giving everyone you know a leg up on building wealth.

Financial Literacy Ideas For Young Kids

statistic infographic; books about money for smart kids
  • Play store using play money and have kids buy and sell goods.
book collage; books about money kids
  • Buy a stock with your kids. Explain to them that you can buy more than their products. You can own a small piece of the company.
  • Take kids to the store for something they want to buy and have them do the transaction.
  • Open a bank account with your kids.

Financial Literacy Month For Teens & Adults

  • Discuss the different types of income.
  • Answer this question in a money journal: What’s one thing you can do today to improve your financial situation?
  • Check your credit score
  • Audit expenses – get rid of the low-hanging fruit like subscriptions you know longer use.
why people buy: low buy year challenge, financial literacy month
  • Talk about the role of marketing so that you can be aware when a company is selling you something.
  • Instead of a regular potluck, challenge your friends to create a dish based only on their home ingredients. Vote on the winning dish!
  • Think about one spending habit that’s holding you back. Make a list of ways you can make this spending harder to do. (I.e. take a different route to work, leave cash at home, etc.)

Financial Literacy Month Games

  • Do Money Bingo (enter your email below and I’ll send it straight to you)
tic tac toe money saving board game for building wealth in kids and adults

Financial Literacy Month Challenges

Try a Short Term Challenge:

How to save money in 30 days with the free challenge printable

Try a 6 month Challenge:

Try a Longer Challenge:

How to do a 52 week savings challenge printable

Save for Something Specific:

fun easy vacation money savings challenge: free printable tracker

Other Ways to Motivate Financial Success

What’s Next?

Don’t stop at April! Improve your financial literacy all year long with the wealthy woman newsletter. Join us now!

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