85 Fun Money Trivia Questions: How Many Can You Answer?

Money trivia questions will test and teach you fun facts and crucial concepts. Explore financial knowledge that helps you succeed, currency, and interesting history too.
This quiz is wonderful for all ages!
Fun Fact: Paper money isn’t made from paper; it’s made with 75% cotton and 25% linen.
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Top Fun Facts Money Trivia
Next, use the clues to guess the money trivia fun facts.
1. How much of the world’s currency is in cash, as opposed to electronic form?
2. Why is green ink used to print US bills?
3. What is the average salary in the US?
4. In 2010, the first Bitcoin transaction was made to pay for what?
5. In the stock market, people use animals to describe the two different types of markets (whether stock prices are going up or down over a few months). Which two animals are these?
6. True or False: It costs more money to make pennies and nickels than they’re worth.
7. Why are there grooves on the edge of US quarters and dimes?
8. Why was the US Secret Service created in 1865?
9. True or False: Money can be ironed to make it crisp.
10. True or False: A household toilet is dirtier than money.
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Financial Picture Quiz and Answers
11. How many times can a US banknote be folded before it rips?
12. What is this precious metal and what is it used for?
13. What is the woman using in the picture? What is she doing?
14. True or False: Rising interest rates make it harder to borrow money.
15. What is shown in the picture? What is it used for?
16. What does “HSA” stand for in the picture?
17. What is the difference between a debit and credit card?
Fun Fact: There’s more monopoly money printed every year than all the money in the entire world!
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Financial Literacy Trivia
Try this finance aptitude test to see how much you know!
18. Why are people advised to track their monthly spending?
19. Why are people advised to save in a 401K or IRA?
20. What is it called when you have money set aside for life’s unexpected expenses?
21. How much cash should you have in an emergency fund?
22. Why is it important to know your credit score?
23. When someone tells you that something costs $200 a month. What should you always ask them?
24. Which one of these is a great financial goal?
A) Plan and pay for higher education
B) Better manage your family’s finances
C) Save for a vacation or home down payment
D) All of the above
25. For your yearly income taxes, what do you NOT need to pay attention to?
A) Tax deductions
B) Tax credit opportunities
C) Current year’s investment returns
D) Gross income from last year (all sources of income must be reported)
26. What is the difference between active and passive income?
27. What is net worth?
28. What is a stock?
29. What is a bond?
30. Why is compound interest such a powerful thing in saving and investing?
31. Why do people need insurance?
Currency Trivia
32. How long do coins stay in circulation until they’re melted down?
33. What is the second most important currency in the world?
34. How many agencies in the United States make coins and paper money?
35. About how much do all US paper bills weigh (in grams)?
36. True or False: $2 bills are extremely rare.
37. What is the oldest currency still in use?
38. What is the lifespan of US $100 bills?
39. How many tons of ink does it take to print new US banknotes every day?
40. The 1913 Liberty Head nickel sold for how much in 2022?
41. Who holds the record for appearing on the most currency (of anyone in the world)? (Hint: It’s royalty)
42. True or False: Seashells were once a common form of currency in several parts of the world.
43. How many official currencies are there in the world?
A) 100
B) 85
C) 159
D) 215
44. All 50 states are listed on the back of which bill (across the top of the Lincoln Memorial)?
45. The dollar symbol ($) appears on what US currency?
46. How many communities in the US have their own local currency that can only be used in these communities?
47. The first US $1 bill featured who’s image?
48. Which is the only US coin where the portrait faces right?
49. Which is the only paper note (bill) where the portrait faces left
50. How long does the average $1 bill last before it becomes worn out?
51. Worn-out US cash is recycled and turned into compost at a farm in which U.S. state?
52. Benjamin Franklin and ___________ are the only two non-presidents on US currency.
53. The US Congress passed a law in 1866 to prevent any _______ person from appearing on currency.
54. In 2015, Congress made it illegal to do what to the $1 bill?
55. With several countries using the US dollar, how much US currency is held abroad?
56. True or False: The largest numerical bill to ever circulate in the world was the Hungary 100 quintillion pengo (One Thousand Million Billion) in 1946.
57. About how many million US pennies are produced each day?
58. What percentage of money being printed in the US is simply to replace old and damaged currency?
Easy Money Trivia For Kids
59. What is the most counterfeited bill?
60. When you make money, there are generally three things you can do with it. What are those 3 things?
61. The factories that make money are called what?
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Multiple Choice Money Trivia
62. In what year was the first credit card introduced?
A) 1931
B) 1963
C) 1947
D) 1950
63. The motto “In God We Trust” first appeared on US currency in what year?
A) 1963
B) 1950
C) 1976
64. You can make change for a dollar in how many different ways?
A) 756
B) 293
C) 408
D) 200
65. Who is the only woman to appear on US paper currency? (Hint: She first appeared in 1886, until the bill was discontinued in 1957)
A) Abigail Adams
B) Harriet Tubman
C) Martha Washington
D) Susan B Anthony
66. The ink used to print money is…
A) magnetic
B) trackable
C) color-changing
D) All of the above
67. The original US penny once had a motto by Benjamin Franklin that said…
A) Mind Your Business
B) A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned
C) Well Done is Better Than Well Said
Hard Money History Trivia Quiz
Finally, this money trivia is challenging. Find out who the expert is when answering these questions!
68. What is the study or collection of money called?
69. The original currencies used in the US during the colonial period were what?
The Sterling Pound and the Spanish Dollar.
70. In 1934, a $100,000 bill was created. What was it called?
The “$100,000 Gold Certificate”
71. The dollar sign ($) was first used in the US in 1785 and originated from what?
The Spanish symbol for pesos.
72. Before 1913, each US bank did what?
Printed its own money.
73. North Korean counterfeit US dollars are known as what (because they’re so difficult to detect)
74. Before the Civil War, how many currencies did the US have?
8,000 different currencies.
75. During a cash shortage in 1932, what type of bills were temporarily created and used in Washington?
Wooden bills
76. Early Romans used what as a form of money?
77. The first woman to appear on a commemorative coin in the US was who?
The First Lady, Queen Isabella of Spain, in 1893.
78. After the Civil War, how much of all US cash was counterfeit?
Almost half was counterfeit.
79. In 1967, the first ATM was introduced where?
London, England.
80. The world’s oldest coin was used in 600 BC in what country?
81. True or False: After World War I, German currency exploded in value.
False: Because of hyperinflation after World War I, German currency lost its value. People used money as wallpaper and allowed their kids to play with it.
82. The first gold rush was in 1799. How did it start?
A 12-year-old boy found a 17-pound gold nugget on his family farm.
83. Before 1804, there were no denominations on coins. How were coins identified?
By their size.
84. During the Civil War, postage stamps were accepted as a form of payment. Why?
To save on metals.
85. True or False: Before 1969, the US government issued $500, $1,000, $5,000, and $10,000 notes.
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